01563 530918
 07920 004026

Robert Watret

Robert Watret from Kilmarnock passed his driving test FIRST TIME at Irvine Driving Test Centre. Having tried learning in a manual car before, Robert decided that automatic was the way to go! Robert experienced many delays and setbacks due to the pandemic but through his own effort and determination he can now experience the freedom and independence a driving licence offers.
Robert Watret from Kilmarnock passed his driving test FIRST TIME at Irvine Driving Test Centre. Having tried learning in a manual car before, Robert decided that automatic was the way to go! Robert experienced many delays and setbacks due to the pandemic but through his own effort and determination he can now experience the freedom and independence a driving licence offers.

For Automatic Driving Lessons With A Professional Instructor In East Ayrshire
Daniel Cameron Driver Training
 01563 530918
 07920 004026
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